Dear BCS Families,
As you know, our wonderful PTF is hosting a Christmas luncheon for our Teachers/Staff next Tuesday the 9th from 12:30-1:30 in the library. Traditionally, PTF has also honored them with a Chinese gift exchange which they look forward to with great anticipation.
PTF wants to do this again and is asking that if anyone desires to donate a small gift or two, it would be greatly appreciated. Many of our parents would like to be able to help with this event by serving the lunch or decorating for it but cannot due to jobs or other responsibilities, so this is another great way to participate in spirit without being there physically. It is the thought that counts so these gifts do not need to be expensive. The teachers love gift cards to Hobby Lobby, Academy, restaurants, movies, WalMart, Target, etc., etc. Just remember that we do have several men on staff who really don't care for Bath & Body Works or other "girly" items. Of course, we need some of that too!
To simplify this effort, feel free to bring wrapped gifts to my office and I will guarantee their delivery to the luncheon. If possible, please note the presents which are definitely male oriented. We have 41 employees, 13 of whom are men!
Thanks so much for all your support!
Karen Trotter