Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Teacher/Staff Christmas Luncheon

Dear BCS Families,

As you know, our wonderful PTF is hosting a Christmas luncheon for our Teachers/Staff next Tuesday the 9th from 12:30-1:30 in the library. Traditionally, PTF has also honored them with a Chinese gift exchange which they look forward to with great anticipation.

PTF wants to do this again and is asking that if anyone desires to donate a small gift or two, it would be greatly appreciated. Many of our parents would like to be able to help with this event by serving the lunch or decorating for it but cannot due to jobs or other responsibilities, so this is another great way to participate in spirit without being there physically. It is the thought that counts so these gifts do not need to be expensive. The teachers love gift cards to Hobby Lobby, Academy, restaurants, movies, WalMart, Target, etc., etc. Just remember that we do have several men on staff who really don't care for Bath & Body Works or other "girly" items. Of course, we need some of that too!

To simplify this effort, feel free to bring wrapped gifts to my office and I will guarantee their delivery to the luncheon. If possible, please note the presents which are definitely male oriented. We have 41 employees, 13 of whom are men!

Thanks so much for all your support!

Karen Trotter

Monday, December 1, 2008

Can you help us???

Could you help us with the gate at these basketball games? You only have to watch the gate through the 2nd quarter (half time). If you can help, please email Cheri at the office.

Dec. 1st ____________________________

Dec. 12th ____________________________

Dec. 13th ____________________________

Dec. 19th ____________________________

Jan. 6th ____________________________

Jan. 9th ____________________________

Jan. 20th ____________________________

Jan. 30th ____________________________

Feb. 3rd ____________________________

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Giving Tree

Dear BCS Families;
In past years, the Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) as families has reached out to the teachers who may need something specific or unique to assist in our children's education but that the school does not currently provide (The Giving Tree). These items assist our teachers in providing the learning tools they need to effectively enhance and broaden the learning experience in the classroom and to also assist in other areas as needed.

This year, the PTF has asked our teachers what their current needs are for the academic year and they have so graciously provided a list. Please prayerfully consider donating one or more of these items .

In past years, parents had to pick an item off the tree located in the School of Grammar. This year to expedite the communication and provide these items faster, we decided to communicate the requests via email. So, if you see an item that you would like to provide, please send an email to so that I can mark it off as being provided. Then, simply deliver it to the requesting teacher or the front office and we will make sure that they receive the item(s).

Thank you in advance for your continued support of our teachers and BCS!

Mrs. Wipke: Pre-K
Step Ladder to be able to get 3 to 4 feet off the floor
Miss Jasters Garden by N.M. Bodecker
Cranberry Summer by Wende Devlin
A Treasury of Curious George by HA Rey
Big Wheels by Anne Rockwell
Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert
Bikes by Anne Rockwell
Trains by Anne Rockwell
Planes by Anne Rockwell
Space Vehicles by Anne Rockwell
Cars by Anne Rockwell
The Trellis and the Seed by Jan Karon
Jalapeno Hal by Jo Harper
Curious George Learns the Alphabet by H.A. Rey
Ferryboat Ride! By Anne Rockwell

Deanna Cameron: Kindergarten
Gift Certificate to Jacques

Linda Taylor: Kindergarten
Gift Certificate to Jacques
3-Hole Punch
X-Acto Electric pencil sharpener

Pam Mobley: First Grade
Digital Camera
Memory Card for Digital Camera

Candice Kelm: Second Grade
Gift Certificate to Half Price Books or Barnes and Nobel
Math Much (Board Game)
Mancala for Kids

Cathy Russell: Second Grade
Fan water bottles at Lowes garden section
Hastings gift card for videos

Third Grade
Step ladder to reach 3 to 4 feet high

Robin Beard: Third Grade
Gift Certificate to Jacques

Tera Besly: Fourth Grade
Gift Card to Jacques

Terri Moore: Library
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs (Hard Cover)
Chrysanthemum (Hard Cover) by Kevin Henkes
AR Awards
$5 Gift Cards for AR Awards

Vicki Magouirk: Grammar School Assistant
White Cardstock
HP 95 and 98 Ink Cartridges

Dee Morwood: Art Teacher
Masterpiece Artist Posters
Computer Projector

Christine Hodges: Rhetoric Math
Dry Erasers, that can be cut in half

Kathy Alford: Logic Science and Humanities
Replacement of VHS History and Science videos with DVDPlease contact Mrs. Alford for a List

Susan Weaver: Logic, Math and Humanities
Education DVD called "Industrialization & Urbanization" from Teachers Discovery at Item #TD110F8. Cost $39.00
"World War II Bulletin Board Set" at Item # TP663F8. Cost $19.95.

Trey Arbuckle: Rhetoric Humanities
Dry Erase MarkersDifferent Colors

Jeremy Sutterfield: Rhetoric Math/Coach
Water Cooler for upstairs School of Rhetoric

PTF (to use for school functions instead of renting them)
5 - 60" round tables and tablecloths (primarily white, royal blue linens)

Lastly, is there interest and talent that could be directed to enhancing/sprucing up the Teachers' Lounge/storeroom located upstairs in Building B?

Thanks so much,
Jennifer Lightfoot

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

We Need Your Help for Homecoming

Homecoming is tomorrow and we still have a few opportunities to help. If you can help in any of the following ways, please
--call Fara Renfro at 255-5957
--add a comment below with the time & project you want to serve on Friday.

Each opportunity is broken down into short shifts so no one gets overwhelmed and everyone can pitch in to make this a great evening.

Thanks for everyone who is pitching in to make this the best Homecoming ever!!!

Set Up - Bill Brown & John McNair will manage Set Up.
If you have a guy on the Jr. High football team, be sure he is there for his shift. Coach Sanders talked to the team about helping out. Thanks to all the JH football guys who are helping

Blowing Up & Stringing Together 2:30-4:00
1. Steve Beck

Decorating the Field with Balloons 4:00-5:30
1. Kerry Beck

5:30 - 7:30

1st Half of Game
1. Bob Pierce
2. Nancy Pierce

2nd Half of Game
1. Kelly Mueller
2. Ginger McClellan

Gear Booth
1st Half of Game
Halftime & 3rd Quarter

Stadium Seats - Rental & Sales
5:00 - 1st Quarter
1. Karen Jensen

Face Painting 5:30 - 7:00
1. Carla Duffard
2. Dee Moorwood

Tickets - Eagle Pass Line 5:00 - 1st Quarter
1. Linda Cayhill

If you have a problem or we messed up & put you in the wrong spot, please let Fara Renfro know asap.

THANK YOU to everyone who helps make Homecoming a huge success!!!

Homecoming Specials on BCS Gear

Don't miss out on all the specials for BCS Gear at the Homecoming Game....

Friday, October 31
Shiner at BCS

25% Off Homecoming Special

BCS Shirts:

BCS Eagle Athletics T-Shirt $15, Special Price $11.25 or 2 for $20
Men's Collard Shirt $45,
Special Price $31.25
Women's Collard Shirt $45,
Special Price $31.25
Sport Shirt Mock T $35m
Special Price $26.25

BCS Hats:

Athletic Cap - Adult $20 , Special Price $15.00
Athletic Cap - Youth $15,
Special Price $11.25
Camouflage Cap $20,
Special Price $15.00
Visor $15,
Special Price $11.25

BCS Fun Stuff!

Car Flag $15, Special Price $11.25
Spirit Fingers $ 3,
Special Price$ 2.25
Megaphone $ 2.50,
Special Price $ 2.00
Stadium Seat $35.00,
Special Price $26.25

Stock up now for Christmas.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Homecoming 2008

Football Game - Friday, October 31, 2008
Food at 6:00 pm
Kick-off at 7:00 pm

Homecoming Dance - Saturday, November 1, 2008